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Keep Your Customers with your Stamp Scheme & Loyalty Rewards

Now that you have started building your all-important customer database, the next stage is to keep those customers coming back. By doing this just a tiny bit better than you do right now, you can nearly double your profits! The New Follower Reward is how you start collecting followers, but your Loyalty Rewards are how you keep them coming back and spending more.


What are Loyalty Rewards?

Whenever your customers visit your business and spend more than the minimum amount specified, that you set up for your Loyalty Rewards, you can give them a Stamp.

  1. Ask your customer, “Are you collecting rewards with us on poddle?” when they spend over the minimum.
  2. If they say “no”, you can say “We use poddle to reward our customers. You get 1 stamp per purchase and if you follow us on the poddle App today, I can give you our free New Follower Reward. Sound good?” If they are interested, they can download the poddle App, follow your business and redeem their New Follower Reward. 
  3. If they say “yes” and they are collecting rewards with you on poddle, ask them to open their stamp card for your business on the poddle App. You can tap & hold your NFC card to their phone to help them find this.
  4. With your stamp card open on the customer’s phone, ask them to tap Collect Stamp.
  5. Then tap & hold your NFC card to their phone to award them a Stamp.

Once customers have collected the required number of stamps for a reward, as set up in your Retain & Grow Scheme, you can reward them using your NFC card:

  1. With your stamp card open on the customer’s phone, ask them to click Claim Reward.
  2. Then tap & hold your NFC card to their phone to validate it. You will need to ask them to show you an approval code.
    • To note – When using a QR code, this is a digital handshake between your business and the customer. When the Approval Code is displayed, we can see that you as a business user have carried out the action to redeem an offer. At the moment, the NFC card is unable to note this interaction digitally into your pre-existing system as we are in the process of developing integrations for future use, so this Approval Code is provided for you to manually record the interaction from your end for accountability purposes.
  3. Reward your customer!


Changing or Amending Your Loyalty Rewards

You can change or amend your Retain & Grow Loyalty Rewards at any point. This gives you the flexibility to decide which rewards are the most suitable to offer customers and at which times. For example, offering a free, cold coffee might not be popular during the winter months!

  1. Step 1 - Return to the Retain & Grow tab of your poddle Control Centre and click “Change your Retain & Grow Scheme”. Without clicking on this button, you will be unable to edit your scheme.
  2. Step 2 - An editable version of the form will open where you can make any changes.
  3. Step 3 - Save your changes.

But, how will your customers know that your rewards have changed?

  1. Step 4 - Once you finish editing your rewards, you will be prompted to notify your customers via email to all of your Followers. This notification will be sent to customers within a 10-mile radius of your premises.
    • To note – At the moment, poddle is not specified to a particular region, which is why we have limited notifications to customers within this 10-mile radius to prevent those from further afield getting frustrated by notifications from your business that may not be as close to them!


Can I Add and Remove Reward Tiers?

Whilst setting up your Retain & Grow Scheme, you can add up to 3 reward tiers and you can change or amend them later according to what works best for your business.


Can Customers Collect More Than 10 Stamps?

Yes! Your customers can collect as many stamps as they wish without claiming rewards.

On the poddle App, it won’t display all stamps as the view is limited to 10, but they will see a line of text to state how many stamps they have available. You can view this when they open their stamp card to either claim a reward or stamp. This acts as a stamp balance and gets deducted whenever they redeem a reward.

Sometimes they might want to group their rewards for a special occasion. For example, perhaps their friend has popped out to coffee with them and they want to use their collected stamps to get two free coffees. This would be down to you if you will be providing two rewards or limiting customers to one reward per visit.


Collect (Left)-1Grow (Right)-1